

The SUPER superpower of Diversity with Seamus Evans

The SUPER superpower of Diversity with Seamus Evans

Join us for an interesting conversation with Seamus Evans, a keynote speaker, media personality, and advocate for neurodiversity. With a career that includes hosting two kids' TV programs and break...

Accessibility and Adaptive Solutions from a Paralympian


剧集焦点:Wheelie Essential 的 Lynda Holt 琳达·霍尔特在体育和商业领域都取得了非凡的成就,并不断突破界限。她在残疾人领域经营着三家企业,均专注于无障碍领域,并曾代表澳大利亚参加残奥会,两次获得银牌。她的电子商务商店 Wheelie Essential 提供大量创新的解决方案,从自适应工具到行动辅助设备。在本期节目中,琳达讨论了她如何为更广泛的社区倡导无障碍,并...

How Living On The Spectrum Became a Lifeline for Neurodivergent Families - The Guardian Network

自闭症患者如何成为神经多样性家庭的生命线 - 卫报网络

想象一下,您需要帮助为患有神经多样性的孩子寻找产品和服务,但不知道去哪里找,在哪里可以找到,甚至不知道以前是否存在类似的东西。这正是我们嘉宾 Anita Ahern 的遭遇。她是一位患有神经多样性孩子的神经多样性妈妈,也是澳大利亚最大的神经多样性资源在线目录 Living on the Spectrum 的创始人。

Transforming Lives with Assistive Technology: An Insightful Conversation with Homeable's Liam

Transforming Lives with Assistive Technology: An Insightful Conversation with Homeable's Liam

In an engaging conversation between Simon from My Buddy Gard and Liam from Homeable , the importance of assistive technology in enhancing the lives of individuals with disabilities was explored in ...